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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Alice in Wonderland - Modern Fantasy/Science Fiction Literature

Alice in Wonderland is written by Lewis Carroll and is originally titled Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. One day, Alice is sitting with her sister on the bank when she saw a white rabbit run by and check his pocket watch. She became intrigued and followed him down a rabbit hole which she fell down for several minutes. She landed in a large hall full of doors and through one she could see a beautiful garden. She was too big to fit through the door so she drank a potion and shrunk. Then she was too small to reach the key on the table so she ate a magic cake and grew extremely large. She cried a pool of tears. Alice shrunk again from the fan the white rabbit left and fell into the pool along with other creatures. They swam to the shore to talk but Alice offended them by saying her cat, Dinah, ate mice and birds. Next, Alice ran into a caterpillar smoking a hookah who told her to eat from a mushroom. One side would make her grow and the other side would her shrink. She started eating and her neck grew long like a serpent. She ended up scaring a bird who was trying to protect her eggs from serpents. She saw a small house so ate more mushroom and shrank so she would be able to enter the house. A duchess, baby, cook, and Cheshire cat lived there. The baby turned out to be a pig and the Cheshire cat could vanish. Alice then ventured to the March Hare's who was having a tea party with the Hatter and Dormouse. It was always a tea party there because he had a quarrel with time and it remained tea time. When Alice left, she saw a tree with a door in it. When she went inside the other door led to the beautiful garden. There the Queen of Hearts was having a game of croquet where they used flamingos for mallets and live hedgehogs for croquet balls. The Queen sent Alice with the Gryphon to the Mock Turtle to hear his story. They taught her to do the Lobster Quadrille. Then, the trial of the stolen tarts started. While in the courtroom, Alice started to grow until she was her normal size and towering over everyone. Then, Alice woke and realized all of her adventures were just a dream. 

Carroll uses words to create such vivid imagery in the book. I would ask students to pick one part of the story to illustrate however they wish. After all the students have completed their illustration, they will work together to put their pictures in order to retell the story. This will allow the students to show their creativity and show their understanding of the book by having to retell and summarize it by ordering the pictures. 

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